How consumer demands are turning telecoms equipment purchasing greener

Organisations from all industries are facing ever louder calls to get greener. Things are indeed changing in the landscape of telecoms equipment purchasing, and it’s not just directives like the CSRD or the 20% reused rule that are behind the shift.


Nor are the loudest calls coming from regulators and investors.

Now, it’s consumers who want to see a more sustainable approach from the top down too. So how is your network adapting to the shift towards greener purchasing?

In this article, we’ll demonstrate how consumers are driving the change towards renewed over new in telecoms equipment purchasing and show networks what you can do to keep your brand in line with the things your customers want.


Are consumer attitudes really changing?

Like it or not, sustainability is being normalised and institutionalised within governments and organisations, with many corporations committing to the ‘triple bottom line’ – an equal balance of social, environmental and financial success.

No doubt your own network has set ambitious targets for 2030, indeed most have.

But increasingly, it’s consumers who want to see more sustainable values reflected in their spending, not just corporations.

Last year Deloitte reported increases in sustainable behaviours across the board:

  • 76% saying they would consider using a repair service (compared with 73% in 2022)
  • 30% stopped purchasing certain brands and products because of sustainability-related concerns
  • 46% bought second hand or renewed items (40% in 2022)
  • 23% switched to what they believe is a renewable energy supplier

Interestingly, the main reason that consumers gave for not adopting a more sustainable lifestyle related to cost. 56% wanted sustainable alternatives to be more affordable (56%), and clearer guidance on how to dispose of, or recycle, products (46%).

This is where Shields and the GSMA step in and turn consumers’ ‘wishlists’ into reality for the telecoms sector.


GSMA Equipment Marketplace: revolutionising network asset management


Understanding the importance of fulfilment and enablement services, we developed the GSMA Equipment Marketplace platform to promote the sharing and reuse of network assets. The platform aims to make the procurement and decommissioning of network equipment more efficient by providing a centralised solution for matching supply with demand across operators and countries.

With equipment being renewed, networks are cutting costs by buying through GSMA Equipment Marketplace. Being robustly tested (every single item that we sell!), failure rates are lower and warranties longer than you generally see buying new from the OEM. What’s more, the equipment you quote for is readily available, so lead times tend to be much faster too. To be clear, that’s:

  • Faster lead times
  • Lower CAPEX
  • Lower OPEX
  • 2-year warranties as standard
  • Fewer DOAs and failures

…And it all comes together to make your brand greener, cleaner and one that consumers want to buy from.


Click HERE to create your GSMA Equipment Marketplace account


Ongoing impact: keeping up with the changes

Shifting consumer attitudes, legal requirements (like the CSRD mandate), and ease of purchasing suggest we’ll soon see adoption of GSMA Equipment Marketplace at the greatest rate of change since Shields first started helping networks get more sustainable in 1979.

We hope that further implementation of GSMA Equipment Marketplace will also lead to significant achievements, including:

  • Global agreement on a unified GSMA Equipment Marketplace platform that brings everyone together with full transparency on stock, within your own network and across the wider market.
  • Enhanced user experience, ease and speed of purchase and more rewards for buying greener.
  • Development of an engine to more accurately match supply with demand.
  • A global virtualisation of transactions and network equipment inventory (we’re getting there!).

By promoting the reuse of network assets, the telecom industry has so far saved millions of tonnes of CO2, making a meaningful impact on global sustainability efforts.

And the more networks that use GSMA Equipment Marketplace, the wider the choice of stock will become (in what is already the world’s largest inventory of renewed equipment).


(Click here to join the GSMA Equipment Marketplace)


Looking ahead

As we continue to innovate and lead, the telecom industry remains committed to being a positive force for both business and the planet. The journey towards sustainability has been challenging, but the progress made so far demonstrates that with a shared vision and dedication, the telecom sector can drive significant positive change.

At Shields, we are proud to be part of this global transformation and will continue to champion solutions that balance technological advancement with environmental responsibility. The future of telecoms is bright, and with ongoing collaboration and innovation, we can ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all.